LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS Part 3 - My Strengths & Your Weakness

Every person (not just you) has unique and eternal value in God’s eyes and therefore should have the same value in yours.

That was the central message of yesterday's series finale in the Living Your Strengths series.  After two weeks of talking about the importance of understanding and maximizing our own strengths, we looked at the flip side yesterday - dealing with the weaknesses of others.

It's easy to think highly of our own strengths and look down at others who don't share them.  It's easy to think that because something is easy for me or comes natural to me, then it should be the same for others as well.  But that's not the point.

Check out the message above and see why it's so important to not just ACCEPT the weaknesses of others, but to APPRECIATE them because those differences were designed by God for a specific reason.

Now it's your job to figure out what that reason is for the people in your life.

LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS Part 2 - Discovering Your Greatness

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and GREATER WORKS THAN THESE HE WILL DO, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12)

Did you ever think about how that verse could possibly be true?  How could we do "greater works" than Jesus Himself?  The One who walked on water?  Fed the multitudes with 5 loaves and 2 fish?  Healed the sick and raised the dead?  Is it actually possible for me to do "greater works than these?"

I say YES!  And in Part 2 of the Living Your Strengths series, I tell you why I believe that.  

LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS Part 1 - The Power of the Right Fit

God didn't create you to be GOOD at everything, but He did create you to be GREAT at something.

That's the premise of the latest series at The Well called LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS.  The idea is that yes, you can do whatever you want it if you try hard enough - but that doesn't mean that you can do it WELL.  Based on the highly renowned Clifton StrengthsFinder ® assessment, the Living Your Strengths series will help you identify your God-given strengths and how to use them for your growth and for God’s glory.

God created us all uniquely – with different strengths – in order that the Body of Christ would be complete. The Church - including YOUR church - needs everyone’s strengths in order to be operating at full strength and fulfilling God's mission in the world.

THE DANIEL PLAN, Part 6 - Winning with Hand You're Dealt

The sixth and final message in THE DANIEL PLAN series and this may have been the most eye-opening, life-changing of them all.  The message was titled "Winning with the Hand You're Dealt."

Life is kinda like a game of poker.  We're given a certain set of "cards" that we didn't choose.  We didn't choose when or where we were born... we didn't choose our parents or how they treated us... we didn't choose our physical weaknesses or limitations.  There's a lot of things that go into us that are beyond our control.

The easy thing to do is to complain about it and wish I had a different set of cards; the right thing to do is to make the most of the hand I've been dealt.

That's the subject of this week's message.  If you struggle with a poor self-identity or thoughts/feelings of anxiety, fear or guilt, then you MUST listen to this week's message to see how God wants to transforms those "cards" into a winning hand.


THE DANIEL PLAN, Part 5 – God's Power in Your Life

Look who's back!  After a month long hiatus from preaching, I made my return yesterday for the 5th message in THE DANIEL PLAN series.  And what I noticed is that when you try to keep a preacher's mouth shut for 4 weeks, then you don't know what's gonna come out when it opens!

And that's what happened yesterday.

The message above is one of those "from my heart" messages that I really want the whole world to hear.  It's about how to live a life of blessing and how to be used by God.  It's about how to dream BIG and how to turn those dreams into reality with the power of God.

It's a message that I'd love you to listen to and apply in your life.  Enjoy!

THE DANIEL PLAN, Part 4 – We're Better Together

Community - one of the most overused words in churches everyone.  Everyone talks about it, but so few actually experience.  Is it possible to live healthy lives without it???

NO!  Check out week 4 of THE DANIEL PLAN as my good friend Michael Guirguis talks about the importance of community and why it is essential for a balanced, healthy life.  And make sure you stay tuned till the very end of the video for a memorable ending to this week's message.

And come join us for The Daniel Plan - either in person or by following along at - and find out what it means to "glorify God in your body."  Enjoy!

THE DANIEL PLAN, Part 3 – Goal Setting

One of the most important steps in making any significant life change is the process of SETTING GOALS.  And that was the topic of this week's message.  Check out the Week 3 message in THE DANIEL PLAN - delivered by my good friend Peter Karras - and learn why it's important to set goals and how you can increase your chances of success by setting godly goals for your health.

Come join us for The Daniel Plan - either in person or by following along at - and find out what it means to "glorify God in your body."  Enjoy!

THE DANIEL PLAN, Part 2 - Principles for Lasting Change

Week 2 of THE DANIEL PLAN and now we're getting into the good stuff.  Special thanks to our special guest speaker this week - Steve Messeh - who talked to us about his experience with The Daniel Plan and the key principles needed to ensure lasting change.  In addition, you want to make sure you get to the end of this video and see what his wife Nadia had to say about her experience with the program as well - truly a life transformation!

Come join us for The Daniel Plan - either in person or by following along online - and find out what it means to "glorify God in your body."  Enjoy!