Finding Joy in the Bible - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Part 5

"Your words were found, and I ate them,and Your word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart"  Jeremiah 15:16

Do you ENJOY reading the Bible?  Be honest.  I know that you probably force yourself to do it, but how often do you actually find JOY when you read God's Word?

That's our topic in this week's message in the You Are What You Eat series.  The title of the message is FINDING JOY IN THE BIBLE and it's a topic that I'll bet most people don't think applies to them.  We know it is "good" to read to Bible and we know it is "beneficial" to read the Bible and we know that we are "supposed" to read the Bible.

But did you ever know that it can be ENJOYABLE to read the Bible?

Well, now you do.  Check out the message above and see for yourself.

The Art of Studying the Bible - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Part 4

What's the difference between READING the Bible vs STUDYING the Bible?  It's the difference between chugging a bottle of water vs sipping a glass of wine.  The objectives are different (quantity vs quality) and therefore the methodology needs to be different as well.

This week's message in the You Are What You Eat series is titled THE ART OF STUDYING THE BIBLE.  In it, I talk about the method I use to help me go deeper into God's Word and find depth there.  It's not as complicated as you think.  Like everything in life, you just need a good system to help you achieve your desired results.

Reading for distance is good; but studying for depth is where the richness of the Bible is found.  

The Real Reason We Don't Read the Bible - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Part 3

Be honest.  What's the real reason you don't read the Bible more?  Too busy?  Not sure if it's true?  Don't need to hear God's voice?  Nope.  None of those are the root.  The real reason we don't read the Bible is simple: WE DON'T GET ANYTHING OUT OF IT!

I am fully convinced of that. If you found HOPE in the Bible, you'd read more.  If you found COMFORT in the Bible, you'd read more.  If you found DIRECTION in the Bible, you'd read more.  Our problem is not that we don't want to read the Bible; our problem is that we get nothing out of it when we do.

That's why this Week 3 in the YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT series might be the most important one for you.  In it, I talk about what I believe is the most important thing we need to do to find meaning in the Word of God.  We know that there's good stuff in the Bible; but it doesn't do me much good unless I know how to find it and understand it.

Check out this week's message - The Real Reason We Don't Read the Bible - below and get ready to discover the one key to unlocking the benefit of God's Word in your life.

Why I Need the Bible - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Part 2

Week 2 of the YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT series at The Well and this week's message is one that we all need.  Last week we looked at the question "WHAT is the Bible?"  We saw that the Bible is the breath/voice of God coming through the vocal chords of various writers.  This week, we discussed the question "WHY do I need the Bible?"

The majority of us know that we SHOULD read the Bible and know that it's important.  But the bottom line is that we often don't read the Bible because we don't see the impact of it in our lives.  We don't see how it is supposed to make my life/day any better.

Can I Trust the Bible? - YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT Part 1

Have you ever read the Bible and wondered if what you’re reading is true?  Do you wish you could open your Bible and actually understand what you’re reading?  Do you sometimes feel like the words in the Bible don’t really apply to your life today?

If so, then you’ll love the newest series that kicked off yesterday.  YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT: Learning to Live on God’s Word.  

Too many of God’s children don’t know His Word, don’t really believe His Word, or worst of all, don’t DO His Word.  The goal of this series will be to transform us from simply “hearers” of God’s Word to active “doers” of God’s Word.  

Joseph the Obedient - ALL YE FAITHFUL, Part 1

Kicked off a new message series yesterday called ALL YE FAITHFUL.  It's a look at the Christmas story from the perspective of four different characters (Joseph, Mary, Jesus and Herod).  We'll see how each one responded when God introduced a "change in plans" to what they were expecting in life.

The theme verse comes from Proverbs 19:21:  “Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.”

In other words, no matter how great your plan might be, get ready for it to get messed up!

In fact, usually the best outcomes in life come from when God decides to totally "mess up" our earthly plans in order to replace them with His eternal plan.  But it all depends on how you respond.

So check out part 1 as we look at the first character in the story, Joseph the Righteous - a relatively unknown and underappreciated character who played a huge role in the Christmas story.

Liturgical Prayer - Extreme Makeover PRAYER Edition, Part 8

"Liturgical prayer is where we exchange our life for the life of Jesus Himself."

Wrapped up the Extreme Makeover: PRAYER Edition series yesterday and we finished with a bang!  The highest room in the house - the place of most intimacy and oneness with God - LITURGICAL PRAYER.

Check out the video below to see what Liturgical prayer is all about, where it came from, and most importantly, what the result of that prayer is when done according to God's instructions.

And, as always, if anything stands out to you and you think it's worth sharing, be sure to use the hashtag #PrayerMakeover when you share it.

Intercessory Prayer - Extreme Makeover PRAYER Edition, Part 7

“If we truly love people, we will desire for them far more than it is within our power to give them.  This will lead us to intercessory prayer.”

What is intercessory prayer?  Why should I care to practice it?  I can barely pray for myself - so why should I concern myself with trying to pray for others?  And even if I wanted to pray for others, what is that supposed to look like?

Check out yesterday's message from the Extreme Makeover: PRAYER Edition series for answers to these questions and more.  I also shared about my personal system for intercessory prayer and gave some tips about how you can get started in this Christ-like ministry of intercession as well.

And if stands out to you and you think it's worth sharing, be sure to use the hashtag #PrayerMakeover when you share it.

Thanksgiving Prayer - Extreme Makeover PRAYER Edition, Part 6

“In the school of thanksgiving & praise, the soul learns why the approach to every other goal has left it restless.”

Yesterday's message in the Extreme Makeover: PRAYER Edition series was a powerful one.  It's one that we all need to hear - especially those going through tough times these days.  The more difficult your circumstances, the more essential is that you make THANKSGIVING PRAYER a priority in your life.

And if stands out to you and you think it's worth sharing, be sure to use the hashtag #PrayerMakeover when you share it.

Praying Through Scripture - Extreme Makeover PRAYER Edition, Part 5

“We aren’t just reading words; but we are seeking the Word thru words.”

You can't speak about prayer without speaking about the Scriptures - aka, the Word of God.  If the goal of prayer is a conversation with God, then true prayer requires time spent prayerfully in the Bible.

That was the topic of Week 5 of the Extreme Makeover: PRAYER Edition series - PRAYING THROUGH SCRIPTURE.  Take a look at the video and find out what it means to pray through Scripture, why we need to do it and most importantly, HOW it can be done.

And if anything stands out to you and you think it's worth sharing, be sure to use the hashtag #PrayerMakeover when you share it.

Repentant Prayer - Extreme Makeover PRAYER Edition, Part 4

Week 4 of the Extreme Makeover: PRAYER Edition series and this week we moved into one of the most essential rooms in the house of prayer...THE WASHROOM! What's the washroom of prayer?  It's REPENTANT PRAYER and we all need it.  Why?  It isn't so much about the sins we do as it is about the state we're in.  Or in other words, we are not sinners because we do sinful things; we do sinful things because we are sinners.

Take a listen and see for yourself.  And if anything stands out to you and you think it's worth sharing, be sure to use the hashtag #PrayerMakeover when you share it.

Structured Prayer - Extreme Makeover PRAYER Edition, Part 3

“Prayer – secret, fervent, believing prayer – lies at the root of all personal godliness.” Week 3 of the Extreme Makeover: PRAYER Edition series and this week we moved from the family room (Simple Prayer) into the kitchen...Structured Prayer!

What is structured prayer?  Do I really need it?  Why is it important?  Why can't I just pray whenever I want and however I want?

Those are the questions that I answer in this week's message as we discuss why we need to have consistency and discipline in our prayer life if we are going to fulfill God's plan for our life - which is to be "conformed to the image of His Son” (Romans 8:29).

Enjoy the video and if anything stands out to you and you think it's worth sharing, be sure to use the hashtag #PrayerMakeover when you share it.

Simple Prayer - Extreme Makeover PRAYER Edition, Part 2

Sorry for not posting this sooner but I was out of town this past weekend for my annual trip to Toronto.  I go there every year on Columbus Day weekend (although they somehow thought it was Thanksgiving) to visit my wonderful friends at SMSV church (more about that trip later this week). But back here, we were truly blessed to be able to receive a visit from Fr. Abraham Fam - a priest, a missionary, and a good friend of mine from back in the day.  Fr. Abraham continued the Extreme Makeover: PRAYER Edition series at The Well and spoke about SIMPLE PRAYER - aka, the family room of our house of prayer.

The main idea of simple prayer?  CS Lewis summarized it best: "We must lay before Him what is in us, not what ought to be in us.” 

Enjoy the video and if anything stands out to you and you think it's worth sharing, be sure to use the hashtag #PrayerMakeover when you share it.


An Invitation to Prayer - Extreme Makeover PRAYER Edition, Part 1

“Prayer is not an act we do, but rather it is our home – the place we meet God.  In order to have intimacy in that home, we must make sure that it is built properly.  There are many layers/facets to prayer and the goal of this series is to talk about 7 of them and come up with ways to practice them throughout the week.”

That's the summary of the latest series in The Well.  It's called Extreme Makeover: PRAYER Edition and the goal is to build a house of prayer - one in which the Lord is pleased to dwell in.

Jesus said “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me." (Revelation 3:20).  This series is the knock.  Your practice is the answer.

I invite you to check out the video below and join us on this 7 week journey together.  And be sure to use the hashtag #PrayerMakeover to send out anything that struck you from this message.