Simple Prayer - Extreme Makeover PRAYER Edition, Part 2

Sorry for not posting this sooner but I was out of town this past weekend for my annual trip to Toronto.  I go there every year on Columbus Day weekend (although they somehow thought it was Thanksgiving) to visit my wonderful friends at SMSV church (more about that trip later this week). But back here, we were truly blessed to be able to receive a visit from Fr. Abraham Fam - a priest, a missionary, and a good friend of mine from back in the day.  Fr. Abraham continued the Extreme Makeover: PRAYER Edition series at The Well and spoke about SIMPLE PRAYER - aka, the family room of our house of prayer.

The main idea of simple prayer?  CS Lewis summarized it best: "We must lay before Him what is in us, not what ought to be in us.” 

Enjoy the video and if anything stands out to you and you think it's worth sharing, be sure to use the hashtag #PrayerMakeover when you share it.