Thank you to everyone who participated in my "Post a Pic" challenge the past two days. I got some great pics - some very creative like THIS ONE and others not-so-encouraging like THIS ONE :) See more pics in the gallery below.
But I could only choose one winner and that is Denice McNeill (see picture above).
Denice and her husband (both from Atlanta) took the picture above during a commercial break of the Monday Night Football game between their Atlanta Falcons and the Seattle Seahawks. End result of the game: Atlanta 34, Seattle 31.
Why? That's easy. The blessing of "WHATEVER, GOD" in full effect! If that isn't enough reason to buy the book, I don't know what is!
All joking aside, thank you to everyone who has helped get the word out about "WHATEVER, GOD". I'm truly humbled by all the encouragement and feedback I've been getting. Please know that the more you help spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, and in your local churches and communities, the more likely we are to be able to get the book into the hands of someone who needs it...
... Someone who doesn't know that God is REAL, He's a Father that you can have a personal and intimate relationship with.
... Someone who isn't convinced that God is RELEVANT, that God is actively involved in the day-to-day details of his/her life.
... Or someone who has never experienced that God is REWARDING, that a life with God is exponentially more satisfying and infinitely more fulfilling than a life without God.
That's the goal of this book... not to make money but to open eyes. So thank you for helping get the word out.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!