Help Me Create A Tagline for My Blog

I NEED YOUR HELP!  Please check out the video below and help me come up with a tagline for this blog.

What’s a tagline?  A tagline is a short phrase that will appear at the top of this blog that summarizes its main purpose/goal.  It’s a way to give readers a quick idea of what they can expect to find on the pages of this blog and whether or not it’s worth their time to check it out.

But I need your help in coming up one that works.  The best taglines are:

  • SHORT - maximum of 12 words
  • POWERFUL - image-rich, with strong verbs
  • CLEAR - explains exactly what the blog is all about
  • CATCHY - people can remember it

Send me your suggestions either via twitter – just use #franthonytagline – or send an email to

Get those creative juices flowing and send your suggestions.  The winner will get a special mention on my blog and twitter.  Can’t wait to see what you guys come up with!